BOOM Charlotte is back as a three-day festival in 2025. At BOOM, you can expect a multifaceted and immersive art experience. There will be an eclectic mix of dance, music, theatre, poetry, visual art, film, and more. You can go from ticketed indoor intimate and edgy performances to free outdoor family-friendly performances.

BOOM Charlotte takes place April 25 to 27, 2025, at a new location: Shoppes at University Place, 8931 JM Keynes Drive, Charlotte, North Carolina.
- Friday: 6 to 10 p.m.
- Saturday: 12 to 10 p.m.
- Sunday: 12 to 6 p.m. (with ticketed indoors shows going until 9 p.m.

There are two components of BOOM Charlotte:
- BOOM Fringe: Experience ticketed indoor performances that showcase bold, experimental art across intimate venues.
- BOOM Intersection: Enjoy free, family-friendly performances on an outdoor stage and at several pop-up locations throughout the festival. BOOM Intersection is where the community gathers to experience live art in an outdoor setting.
All the outside art experiences are free to enjoy, and tickets are required for the inside art experiences. All the venues will be close to each other so you can move between them easily.
Boom Intersection
- 5ivestar | @prod5ivestar| Music
- 6 Cardinal|@6cardinal |Music
- A..M Artistry In Motion | @nadasiashawne | @elitehittersdance| Dance
- AerialCLT | @aerialclt | Dance
- Amy Anderson and Aaron Anderson of AnderBerry Bracelets |@Anderberrybracelets | Multi-disciplinary
- Artsy Abby | @its.artsy.abby| Music
- Baila Peru CLT | @baila_peruclt | Dance
- Ballet Folklorico Corazon de Mexico |@bf_corazonde.mexico | Dance
- Beyou Vybez | @BeyouClubhouse_ | Dance
- Blaine Goodwin |@blainetgoodwin | Music
- Bloom Movement Artistry | @bloom_movement_artistry | Dance
- Breanne | Multi-disciplinary
- Charlotte Cultural Collective | @clt_culturalcollective | Dance
- Christenbery Fine Art | @JRChristenbery | Visual Art
- Concrete Descendants | @kevin_the_entertainer | Multi-disciplinary
- Corbin McKinnon | Music
- Courtney Rohan | @courtneyrohan | Multi-disciplinary
- Covers Unlocked Productions | @coversunlockedproductions | Poetry/Spoken Word
- D. Jones The General | @d.jonesthegeneral | Music
- David Musiclover Gibson | @musicloverdgibs | Music
- Devyne | | Music
- Dionne D. Hunter | @dionnedhunter | Poetry/Spoken Word
- DJ Double R | Music
- Doubting Thomas | @doubtingthomastheorignal | Music
- Drummer King Price |@DrummerKingPrice | Music
- El Alma de la Luna Dance Academy | @elalmadelaluna | Dance
- Emily Little Expressions | @onlyfromem | Visual Art
- Gerem3 (pronunced “Jeremy”) | @gerem3 | Music
- Greg H. Jackson | @greghjackson704 | Music
- Guzheng Music by Angel Han | @qingfolio_angel | Music
- Haunz Noire | @HaunzNoire | Poetry/Spoken Word
- Heather Freeman | @familiarshapes | Multi-disciplinary
- Hobo Husband | @hobo_husband| Visual Art
- Hom | Music
- Jah Freedom | @jahfreeonthebeat | Music
- Jason Dawkins & The Celestial Movers | @Thejasondawkins | Dance
- Justin William Evans | Poetry/Spoken Word
- Kate Bankston & King Whale | @k8bankston | @kingwhale |Music
- Kizomba Charlotte | @Kizomba_Alegria | Dance
- La Casa de la Cultura | @lacasade_lacultura | Multi-disciplinary
- Law Bullock (MUGwithUs) | @lawbullock | Poetry/Spoken Word
- Lisa De Novo | @lisadenovo | Music
- Lourdes del Mar Santiago Lebrón | @lourdesdelmar | Dance
- Luz de mi Tierra Folklorico Academy | @luzdemitierra_nc | Dance
- Mama Makitan | @mamamakitan | Visual Art
- MAYIA | @mayiawarren | Music
- Melody Shanahan | @melody_shanahan_ballerina | @melody_la_mexicana_ | @Lookagge| @kait.lyndancee | Dance
- MOD | @dylanward_saxophone | Music
- Moon Man Music | | Music
- Mr. Rocky Music Enrichment | @mr_musicmanrocky | Music
- Nathan Harris & the Flood | @nathanharris7 | Music
- Nativa Studio | @rosadiazart| Visual Art
- Nia J | @theniaj | Music
- North Carolina Brazilian Arts Project | @theprojectspace| @ncbrazilianartsproject | Dance
- PHAZE GAWD | @PhazeGawd704 | Music
- Phillip McRorie | @phillipmcrorie | Dance
- Phoenix Above The Ashes | @Pheonixabovetheashes | Dance
- S.T.E.A.M./ Amina Heckstall-Soumah | @getin_tuitwithamina | Dance
- Sade Sade | @honorconfersacrwn | Poetry/Spoken Word
- Saoko Latin Dance | @saokolatin_dance | Dance
- Savannah Jenkins & Lillie Persinger | @Movin_Savvy | @lillieeeeva | Dance
- Shake the Dust | Website | Music
- Sinergismo | @sinergismo | Multi-disciplinary
- Skinnyy Hendrixx, The Smooth League | @SkinnyyHendrixx | Music
- SocaFitUSA | @socafitusa | Dance
- SWATS & Omega Sparx | @swats_gbx | Music
- T.Shep | @t.shepmusic | Music
- Tari Civerolo | @tariciverolo | Dance
- The Flying Clouds of South Carolina | @theflyingcloudsofsc | Music
- The SoulArtBeauty Creative Academy | @Simoonnee__ | @thesoulartbeautycompany | Visual Art
- Three Body Solution | Music
- Tiffany Hale | @tiffanyhale_dance | Dance
- Tosan & Aja | @chief_tosan | @aja_deshield | Dance
- Tosco Music | @toscomusic | Music
- TS3, tmusicmoves, the_dancinggoddess222 | @tmusicmoves |@the_dancinggoddess222 | Dance
- Twinnation Dance Crew | @twinnationdancecrew | Dance
- Umayal Art LLC | @umayal.annamalai | Visual Art
- Unique Patton | Website | Visual Art
- Village Pottery Studio | @Villagestudionc | Visual Art
- Vito Dito | @vito_dito | Music
- Visart Video featuring Christine McLennan | @visartvideo | @premiumgoatpantiesz | Performance Art
- Von Hunter | @vonhuntermusic | Music
Fringe Artists
You can purchase tickets for Fringe performances in advance or on site 30 minutes before the event. Tickets for fringe performances are $15 each. Each artist is performing several time.
Adrian Parrish
“A Secret, Third Thing”: Multi-disciplinary performances, including poetry, comedy and storytelling
Fringe Arcade, parking lot entrance
8925-2 J M Keynes Drive
Brook McCarthy
“How to be an Ethical Slut”: Theatre
Famous Toastery
General Hospitality
“Before It’s Too Late / Trash Drag”: Theatre
Fringe Arcade, parking lot entrance
8925-2 J M Keynes Drive
Jordan Bailey
“I Promise Not to die in this One”: Poetry/Spoken Word
Fringe Arcade, parking lot entrance
8925-2 J M Keynes Drive
“Love Notes”: Dance
BOOM Canvas Hall, Parking lot side entrance
Megan Flynn & Teresa VanDenend Sorge
“Mothering & Mourning”: Dance
Dance Studio Theater, Lakeside entrance
SHAE Movement African Arts
“Rooted in Her: She is the Rhythm”: Dance
Dance Studio Theater, Lakeside entrance
Showcase 1
Spoken Word/Poetry and Theatre Performances by
Vanessa, Evan Driggs and Zulynette
Fringe Arcade, Parking lot entrance
Showcase 2
Dance performances by
Pallavi Academy of Kuchipudi Dance
Angela Castillo and Mauricio Salas
Dance Studio Theater, Lake side entrance
Showcase 3
Dance, Music and Poetry/Spoken Word performances by
Nritya Dhwani Cultural Foundation and Angel Han
Frank Expression
The Garrison Experience
Dance Studio Theater: Lake side entrance
Sons of the Queen
Multi-disciplinary performance
Famous Toastery

Double-Check Before You Head Out!
We make every effort to make sure that everything on Charlotte on the Cheap is 100% accurate.
However, sometimes things change without notice, and we are not always notified. It’s also possible that we can make a mistake.
Please verify all deals and events with the venue or organizer before you go.
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