“The Boxtrolls,” a family movie from the creators of “Coraline” and “ParaNorman,” opening in theaters September 26th, 2014, introduces audiences to a new breed of family–The Boxtrolls, a community of quirky, mischievous creatures who have lovingly raised an orphaned human boy named Eggs in the amazing cavernous home they’ve built beneath the streets of Cheesebridge.
Kids of all ages are invited to the Boxtrolls Cardboard Challenge on Sunday, September 14th, 2104, from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. at Heroes Aren’t Hard To Find, a comic book store at 1957 East 7th Street. The Boxtrolls are teaming up with the Imagination Foundation to invite kids of all ages to build anything they can dream up using cardboard, recycled materials and imagination. Participants will receive fun prizes from The Boxtrolls, and can enter-to-win a “What’s in the Box” Prize Pack, including an Xbox One. Post your creation on Twitter or Instagram with #TheBoxtrollsCC for a chance to win the national overall prize, the “Imagination Box,” including an Apple iMac, an iPad Air, and more.