Charlotte Spring Plant Swap, 2016
Sunday, June 19, 2pm
Marion Diehl Park
2219 Tyvola Road, Charlotte, NC 28210
There is only one shelter at this park. The park is connected to Queens University Sports Complex, and you can turn into the park at the Queen’s entrance, or the Marion Diehl entrance.
For first time swappers – we don’t care if you have weeds or high dollar orchids. If you have plants to give away and want them to go to good homes, this is the place to be. We trade anything and everything. If you don’t have much, don’t worry – we don’t have rules about that either. Hopefully everyone will go home with more than they brought! Other gardening stuff is also welcome- pots, books, bulbs, cuttings, magazines, potting soil, tools, statues, etc. Please label your plants. Something simple like “yellow daylilies” or “cactus houseplant” or “shade ground cover”. This will make it easier to know where to plant the new plants we take home. If you don’t have any plants to swap, come anyway!
How it works: You place your plants on the tables with all the other plants and find a spot away from the tables where you can stash the plants you grab during the swap. I will welcome everyone to the swap and ring a bell. You get to grab ONE plant and take it to your stash zone. We do this two or three times before we change it to TWO plants per ring and then THREE plants and finally we have a free-for-all where the leftovers can be claimed by anyone.
The Plant Swap is free. If you feel inclined, you may leave a small donation toward the renting of the shelter. We hope to see you there!