In Sony Pictures’ The Garfield Movie, Garfield (voiced by Chris Pratt), the world-famous, Monday-hating, lasagna-loving indoor cat, is about to have a wild outdoor adventure. After an unexpected reunion with his long-lost father – scruffy street cat Vic (voiced by Samuel L. Jackson) – Garfield and his canine friend Odie are forced from their perfectly pampered life into joining Vic in a hilarious, high-stakes heist.
The movie will be in theaters May 24, 2024, but you might be able to see it before its release…for free!
There will be an advance screening on Sunday, May 19, 2024, at 2 p.m., at AMC Northlake, 7325 Northlake Mall Drive, Charlotte, North Carolina.
You need to get a pass to attend. They are free, but limited, so don’t delay. If you try to download passes and it says they’re sold out, let me know and I’ll TRY to get more, but no guarantee!
Also, the pass does not guarantee admission. You’ll want to get there on the early side, as admission is first-come, first-served, to people with passes. When you get there, just go to the check-in table with your pass. Check-in starts at 1 p.m.
To get your pass, go here and then click on “Get My Passes.” Please be aware of spam ads and never input your credit card information. You do NOT have to provide a credit card to get the passes!
Wear orange in honor of the film!
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However, sometimes things change without notice, and we are not always notified. It’s also possible that we can make a mistake.
Please verify all deals and events with the venue or organizer before you go.
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