The Mecklenburg Historical Association Docents invite visitors who are interested in learning about and sharing history to attend their free upcoming program on Tuesday, February 3rd, in the Fellowship Hall of Sugaw Creek Presbyterian Church, 101 West Sugar Creek Road.
Linda Beverly will present the program about historic sites and kitchens in northern England and Scotland, where she and Carolyn Dilda spent three weeks last summer. Linda and Carolyn are MHA Docents and members of the Historical Cooking Guild of the Catawba Valley. They attended a Georgian Cookery Class taught by noted food historian Ivan Day and visited many historic sites and museums. They toured a variety of kitchens from a small fire pit in the middle of a turf dwelling to the gleaming displays in grand houses. In Linda’s spectacular slides you will see these kitchens along with castle ruins, ancient stone monuments, and the breath-taking beauty of glacier-carved mountains and valleys. Criteria for joining the Cooking Guild are stringent, so Linda’s program is sure to be informative.
Refreshments are available at 9:30 a.m. The business meeting will follow at 10:00, with the program beginning at 11:00.