Concord Mills has recently made some interior enhancements, including a redesigned and updated Dining Pavilion and four new lounge areas with soft seating and Wi-Fi connectivity and chargers.
The enhancement that might be most exciting for families is a new 1,200 square foot play area. It’s free to use and has interactive elements for kids from toddlers to teens.
You’ll find it near the Nike Factory Store.

Sponsored by SEA LIFE Charlotte-Concord, the play area is split into three different pods targeted towards different age groups:
- Toddler Pod: Features sprout designs where little ones can climb and spin.
- Elementary Pod: Features climbing blocks and an electronic piano with touch sensitive pads including eight different musical notes.
- Tween/Teen Pod: Features a light tower challenge and an interactive electronic game, which uses light and sound. Parents can get in on the fun here, too.
The play area also features a soft seating area complete with charging stations to allow parents the opportunity to recharge as children play.