Meet your new best friend at Puppy Bowl at Waverly, Providence Road and Ardrey Kell Road, on Saturday, February 2nd, 2019, from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.
Here’s the info from the Facebook event:
Join us for an afternoon of fun and pups! Waverly and PetPeople are proud to host the Halfway There Rescue in The Terrace on Feb. 2nd from 1-3pm. Our big-game themed adoption event will feature football fun, tunes and furry friends.
The rescue will have sweet pups that are in need of their forever homes. If you think you’d like to adopt a new friend. Please read through the adoption process here: https://www.halfwaythererescue.com/adoption-process.html
They will also be accepting monetary and dog food donations. Guests who donate are eligible for discounts to participating Waverly merchants. Discounts good 2/2 and 2/3.
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