CMPD Animal Care & Control offers Staycations for many of the dogs it cares for. This is a win/win/win program, as it’s good for shelter dogs, for the shelter, and for you. Read on to learn how it all works and why you should consider taking a shelter dog on a Staycation for a few days.

What is a Staycation?
A Staycation, as the name suggests, is a vacation for shelter dogs where they stay with you for several days. This gives the pups a much-needed break from the kennels, and it gives you the opportunity to do something fun and fulfilling.
Many dogs through the CMPD Animal Care & Control system are available for this program, and they’re all up for adoption. If you choose to adopt your Staycation dog, you will be first in line — no competition!
“Daycations” are also available where the dog will only stay with you anywhere from a few hours up to a day.
The complete information about Staycations, Daycations, adoptions is available on CMPD Animal Care & Control’s website, but read on for the basics.
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Why are Staycations Good for Shelter Dogs?
Though shelters try their best, spending too much time in a crowded shelter can be stressful and even traumatic for pups. Staycations allow these dogs to get out of the shelter, where the space and environment can be incredibly constrictive, and into a new, exciting, and comfortable environment. This change of scenery is refreshing for the pups and brightens their spirit!
Spending time in homes helps prepare dogs for adoption, and it helps the shelter to know their behavior in these environments.
Staycations can also help the shelter in terms of workload and spacing issues, creating a positive impact on the other shelter dogs and human staff.
How Do Staycations Work?
Visit CMPD Animal Care & Control, 8315 Byrum Drive, Charlotte, North Carolina, during their business hours (no appointment or application needed) and walk through the kennels to meet the adoptable pups. Pick the one you’d like to take on a Staycation and take a picture of their kennel card.
Next, find a staff member and show them the photo of the kennel card as well as your ID. Then you’ll sign a waiver and take them home!
Note: Bring a collar and leash, as supplies tend to run out!
You can keep the dog for up to 5 days and either return them on the 5th day or adopt them for free (with a $10 licensing charge for Mecklenburg County pet owners).
Not all sheltered dogs are available for Staycations or Daycations. Those that are eligible for the program will have it indicated on their kennel card or on the dog’s website bio.
Why Should You Take a Dog on a Staycation?
Looking to spend some quality time with a furry friend, but aren’t sure you’re ready or able to commit to keeping one full-time? Staycations help you get your “dog fix” without needing to make any major commitments.
If you are looking to adopt, Staycations can be an excellent way to take the guesswork out of adoption.
This way, you can see if the pup you have in mind is the right fit for you, your family, and your other pets. Either way, there’s nothing better than seeing a happy dog getting a well-deserved vacation!
Staycation Social Media
Want to show off your adorable Staycation guest? Share photos and videos of your Staycation on social media and tag #ACCstaycation! You can also tag CMPD Animal Care & Control on Instagram and Twitter.
Here a few pictures of adorable Staycation dogs tagged with #ACCstaycation on Instagram!
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